What's Upcoming for Mad Soul Swinging?

As the GDevelop Big Game Jam #5 wraps up, I just wanted to share a few announcements regarding to what's upcoming for Mad Soul Swinging. 

So I already planned out this game and I decided to organize and split the game into chapters, which basically means each chapter would contain new characters, songs, mechanics, etc. The game jam version that you can play right now would be chapter 1, and I'm planning to release first a small update which contains improvement and more stuff for chapter 1, so like more songs, better user interface, and enhanced overall gameplay experience. But after that, you guys are probably gonna wait for a while till the next update cuz it's going to be an OMEGA HUGE UPDATE (yea it's that big). 

Check what each of the two updates will contain down below for more details.

Small update (est. release: 1-2 months from now) will contain:

  • Chapter 1 (which are the same ol' characters that you see right now in the game jam version)
  •  3 New songs (each chapter will have 4 songs)
  • Better UI
  • Smoother Controls
  • Better animation and art
  • Improved gameplay experience (like visual feedbacks and such)

OMEGA HUGE UPDATE (est. release: Feb or March 2025) will contain:

  • +5 New Chapters
  • +20 New songs
  • More Characters
  • New Mechanics
  • Plus whatever more improvement I can do in the game lel

So essentially, you guys will first receive a slice of bread before you can get the whole bakery. The small update is also to get more feedbacks in which area of the game can be more improved and polished.

Why is the OMEGA HUGE UPDATE release so long?

If you didn't know, I'm just a solo game dev and I also don't do game dev full-time. I'm still a student (college freshman) and since college is coming right around the corner, I'll definitely have less time on working on this game. But who knows, maybe I'll be able to manage my time and actually finish the game early. And I also want to make sure that I'll actually make high quality music and gameplay for y'all, so it'll be worth to wait.

Is the game going to be free when fully-released?

Yep, it will be completely free! But I also take positive feedbacks as a form of payment. (^ ▼ ^)

Where can I see updates on the development of Mad Soul Swinging?

You can check out my yt channel or my twitter/X account, I'll definitely post some of the development there and maybe a sneak peek of the upcoming chapters.

So yeah that's all the announcements I have, thank you once again to those who played and rated this game! Stay tuned for more announcements! 

(TL; DR: small update coming in 1-2 months from now, then BIG UPDATE in Feb or March 2025)

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